
Eclipse Guidance

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 83

This episode includes channeled guidance from the Akashic Records for the energy and themes of the next six months that is initiated by the lunar eclipse September 17, 2024 at 25° Pisces and solar eclipse October 2, 2024 at 10° Libra

Some of the themes that came through: freedom, values, energetic boundaries and routines, co-creation, news ways of relating to each other. 

The Dark Feminine Gateway - my next healing and channeling container, starting 25th September
Embodied Light - Akashic Records Practice Circle, next circle: October 1st, 2024
Akashic Record Reading - Book a private reading with me
Learn To Read the Akashic Records - Online Course to Learn the Akashic Records
Instagram - Follow me on Instagram 

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