
Living in Unity - Akashic Records July

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 80

Division is keeping us away from creating true peace and wealth for everyone on our planet. In the month July we are asked to explore the concept of unity. Unity within us, a state of being where we integrated our duality and feel one with the cosmos as well as  unity between people.
We can be our individual self and independent and still live in unity.
We can accept different opinions, choices, religions, traditions and still feel we belong together. Both is possible.
Unity is a constant dance between the states of merging and separation. Souls are born from oneness and then seem to separate to go on individual paths, while at the same time they are always still in unity with the creator and all there is.
How can we create a state of unity on our planet while respecting our individuality and differences?

July Forecast - Video July Akashic Record Guidance
Akashic Record Reading - Book a private reading with me
Learn To Read the Akashic Records - Online Course to Learn the Akashic Records
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