
Duality - Akashic Records June

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 78

In June we have a cosmic alignment with the Orion Belt. The galatic wars in the Orion zone have been brutal and destructive and we now have a chance to heal from darkness and extreme duality. The cosmos has moved into a new era where duality still exists but it doesn't mean any longer destruction versus life. On our planet though we still find extreme destructive duality.
How do we deal with this duality that we find within us and around us? We are going right now through a massive heart opening on a collective level which makes us more sensitive and more receptive to the energies of others. There are themes we see play out on our planet like war, abuse, pain, suffering that seem to become unacceptable to us. But have we accepted that we also carry this duality within us? The ability to love and the ability to hate and destruct? How can we work with the duality within us, with our shadow child and its needs, believes and traumas?
How can we address feeling fear, sadness, worry, frustration and anger in ways that allow us to meet our needs while not hurting others or ourselves?
This is all part of this episode.
If you want to work deeper with your inner child and shadow child join my course "Inner Child Playground". We start on 5 June.

June Forecast - Video Forecast of the June Energy
The Inner Child Playground - New group class starting 5 June
Akashic Record Reading - Book a private reading with me
Learn To Read the Akashic Records - Online Course to Learn the Akashic Records
Instagram - Follow me on Instagram 

#spiritualpodcast #duality #innerchildwork #akasha #akashic #akashicrecords #akashicrecordsreading #akashicrecordsreader #channeling
#shadowwork #innergrowth