
The History of Humanity and Planet Earth

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 75

Have you ever wondered if we are of galactic origin? This episode covers it all.

This podcast includes:
- the original vibration and laws of creation of our universe,
- the origins of planet Earth,
- the seeders, 
- ancient civilizations on planet Earth much before Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia etc.,
- the origin of the Lemurians,
- inner earth civilizations,
- fairies, dragons and co,
- the first pyramids on our planet,
- purpose and use of pyramids and other ancient sacred sites,
- the real twin flame, divine union template,
- the different ley-lines and grid-systems on our planet and their origin and purpose,
- the Annunaki and human history,
- the creation of the Homo sapiens,
- the grail bloodline,
- the galactic wars and period of darkness and it's outcome.

Inner Child Playground - Next channeling and healing container
Akashic Record Reading - Book a private reading with me
Learn To Read the Akashic Records - Online Course to Learn the Akashic Records
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Ancient Egypt - Podcast Episode on the sacred sites in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Sardinia - Podcast Episode on the sacred sites in Sardinia
Cathars Podcast - Podcast on the Cathars, protectors of the grail bloodline

Xi Earthstar and Rory Duff - Video on the dragon gridlines and Ireland retreat
Xi Earthstar Video on Twin Flame Union - video on the twin flame template by Xi Earthstar
Elena Danaan Youtube - Information on Enki, Mesopotamia, seeder ships, etc.
Why I was born in Africa - Book by Judith Kuesel on the ancient civilization of Africa 
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