
Building Courage - Akashic Records April

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 74

In April, an overall this year, we are asked to show up with courage and boldness to create a life that feels most authentic and fulfilling to us.

The frequencies and activations are very strong this month and they will require that we let go of fears, people pleasing and lying to ourselves.
In this episode I cover:
- how to approach our fears and
- be committed to our deepest desires
- to step beyond looking for approval from others and finally stand up for the life we truly want.

This episode includes an Akashic Record reading from the energy of the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility, Innana.

For more guidance one the eclipse in Aries on April, 8, listen to this episode.

April Forecast - Video Forecast of the April Energy
Akashic Record Reading - Book a private reading with me
Learn To Read the Akashic Records - Online Course to Learn the Akashic Records
Instagram - Follow me on Instagram
April Eclipse Guidance - Podcast Episode 

#spiritualpodcast #courage #boldness #akasha #akashic #akashicrecords #akashicrecordsreading #akashicrecordsreader #innana #channeling