
Empowerment - Akashic Records February

Sabine Poltermann Season 1 Episode 70

I am going deeper into the theme of empowerment in this episode. This is one of the topics of the February Energy Report from the Akashic Records.
How can you step into your full power in this lifetime?
I look at:
- understanding the role of your inner world in gaining power,
-  taking responsibility of your life,
- how you can understand who you truly are,
- the role of support.

I am also channeling from the Akashic Records of Irish goddess Morrigan. Be inspired by her message on being powerful.

February Forecast - Video Forecast of the February Energy
Awaken Your Womb - Womb Healing Channeling Class
Learn To Read the Akashic Records - Online Course to Learn the Akashic Records
30 Days of Peace - 30 videos with practices that cultivate peace
30 Days of Peace on TikTok
Being Powerful - earlier Podcast Episode 

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